What Was the Disagreement between Large and Small States

The disagreement between large and small states is a significant historical event that took place during the drafting of the United States Constitution in 1787. The conflict arose regarding the representation of states in the Congress, wherein the large states demanded proportional representation based on their population, while the small states argued for equal representation. This debate had far-reaching implications on the American political system and government.

The small states were concerned that the large states would dominate the Congress if representation was based on population. They argued that equal representation was necessary to prevent larger states from using their power to control the government. On the other hand, the large states believed that proportional representation was a fair way to allocate power based on population.

The debate was intense and lasted for weeks, with both sides unable to reach an agreement. The deadlock threatened to derail the entire constitutional convention, and it was only resolved with the Great Compromise. The Great Compromise, also known as the Connecticut Compromise, proposed a two-house legislature, wherein the lower house, the House of Representatives, would have proportional representation, and the upper house, the Senate, would have equal representation for all states.

The agreement reached in the Great Compromise was a turning point in American politics, as it set the foundation for the bicameral legislative system that has been in place for over two centuries. The House of Representatives represents the people and is elected directly by the citizens, while the Senate represents the states and is elected by state legislatures. This unique system of representation ensures that both large and small states have equal representation and that the interests of all are protected.

In conclusion, the disagreement between large and small states during the drafting of the Constitution was a crucial event in American history. The resolution of this conflict through the Great Compromise paved the way for the formation of the US government and the principles of democracy that the country stands for. Today, the legacy of this compromise lives on in the American political system, where both large and small states are equally represented.

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