Subject Verb Agreement Exercise for Class 6Th

Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that every student must learn to communicate effectively. It is the agreement between the subject and its verb in terms of the number and person. A singular subject requires a singular verb, whereas a plural subject requires a plural verb. In this article, we will give you an exercise on subject-verb agreement for class 6th.


1. The cat (is/are) sleeping in the sun.

2. The apples (is/are) ripe.

3. The boy (plays/play) with his toy car.

4. The girls (dances/dance) in the hall.

5. The pen (is/are) on the table.

6. The birds (chirp/chirps) in the morning.

7. The dog (barks/bark) at strangers.

8. My family (loves/love) to travel.

9. The teacher (teaches/teach) mathematics.

10. The students (study/studies) hard for the exams.


1. The cat is sleeping in the sun.

2. The apples are ripe.

3. The boy plays with his toy car.

4. The girls dance in the hall.

5. The pen is on the table.

6. The birds chirp in the morning.

7. The dog barks at strangers.

8. My family loves to travel.

9. The teacher teaches mathematics.

10. The students study hard for the exams.


In the first sentence, `cat` is a singular subject, so the singular verb `is` is used. In the second sentence, `apples` are plural, so the plural verb `are` is used. In sentence three, `boy` is a singular subject, so the singular verb `plays` is used. In sentence four, `girls` are plural, so the plural verb `dance` is used. In sentence five, `pen` is a singular subject, so the singular verb `is` is used. In sentence six, `birds` are plural, so the plural verb `chirp` is used. In sentence seven, `dog` is a singular subject, so the singular verb `barks` is used. In sentence eight, `family` is a singular subject, but it is treated as a plural, so the plural verb `love` is used. In sentence nine, `teacher` is a singular subject, so the singular verb `teaches` is used. Finally, in sentence ten, `students` are plural, so the plural verb `study` is used.


Subject-verb agreement is an essential grammar rule that helps in effective communication. Students must learn to use the correct verb form with the subject. The above exercise will help the students of class 6th to practice their subject-verb agreement skills. Remember to always match the subject and verb in terms of number and person to avoid any grammatical mistakes.

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